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Universal Conveyor series tables
  • The universal tables conveyor
  • The universal tables conveyor
  • Descritpion
  • Universal rely on universal ball conveyor tables to complete delivery, applicable to all types of boxes, transport bags, trays and other pieces of cargo, bulk materials, small items or items to be irregular or working inside on the tray conveyor. Universal ball conveyor mainly by universal ball, legs braced, adjustable feet and other components.
    Ease of convergence between the conveyor filter. And material transport direction can be arbitrarily changed by Ball and other transportation equipment or plane consisting of complex logistics transportation system, complete the wide range of technology needs. Conveyor suitable for conveying the bottom is flat items. With throughput, fast, running fast, enabling multi-species co-linear shunt delivery features, it is widely used in conveyor type one.
    Optional rack material: carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum and the like.
    Universal custom tables conveyors, please contact Make sure the following technical parameters:
    1, the transport object length, width and height;
    2, the weight of each transport unit;
    3, the bottom of the status of material to be transported;
    4. Are there any special requirements on the working environment (such as: humidity, temperature, effects of chemicals, etc.);
    5, the conveyor is a fixed or mobile;
    6. Other special custom requirements;

    Conveyor rely on universal ball to complete the delivery, applicable to all types of boxes, bags, trays and other pieces of cargo transport, bulk materials, small items or items to be irregular or working inside on the tray conveyor. Conveyor consists of universal ball, legs braced, adjustable feet and other components.
